March 20th - Reisverslag uit Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Janne - March 20th - Reisverslag uit Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Janne -

March 20th

Door: Janne

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Janne

20 Maart 2024 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Londen

Today started very early, we had to be up and ready at 6:45. This was because we had to be at a private school in London by 8 o'clock. We went to the store the day before to get some food for breakfast, we had to do this because we were too early for the hotel breakfast. We first had to walk for about 15 minutes to the underground station (we always had to do this when using the underground) and after we took the tube to the station closest to the school, we still had to take the bus after because it was too far. When we arrived at the school we had to sit in groups of three, i was with the boys. (our class consists of 2 boys and seven girls) we had to tal to student from the private school, introduce ourselves. It was awfully quiet at our table however. I later switched to a girls table, this was a good choice because it was very cozy/fun ('gezellig', as they would say in the Netherlands.' First we had an debate with the private-schoolers. The debate had something to do with the death penalty, i didn't like it at all. They we headed to lunch, i had a chocolate chip cookie and fruit. After we had to walk back to the school, because there were two buildings and they were about a five minute walk from each other. In the afternoon we had 'speaking' as the main goal, we had to give presentations in groups, about our most important day. Me and my group, which consisted of two lovely girls with whom i got along very well and one rather energetic boy, gave a presentation about covid-19. Other groups gave presentations about their birthdays, 9/11 and international women's day. The day ended with all the Uk-folk trying to speak dutch for extra credit from their teacher. It was very funny. After school we went to 'sevendials market' for dinner. It was VERY busy and Very expensive. I had tofu noodles, it was alright but not great. In the evening we would have done a 'ghost tour' (which we had to make ourselfs because we didn't have money for the acual one) but nobody wanted to, so we went back to the hotel.

At the hotel ik went straight to bed and i quickly drifted off to sleep.

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Verslag uit: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Londen


My name is Janne. I am, as of march 13th, 15 years old. I'm going on a study trip to London with my class! I'm very exited, exept for the fact that i'm forced to write about it.

Actief sinds 13 Maart 2024
Verslag gelezen: 183
Totaal aantal bezoekers 603

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18 Maart 2024 - 23 Maart 2024

Londen '24

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